
Blog Overview - Intention & Target Audience

Hello fellow human beings! This blog is mainly intended for professionals from non-CS Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical etc) background professionals who want to develop an expertise in Data Science or pursue career path as Data Scientist. There is tons of information out there in the open almighty internet. However, there might not be very niche information like what would be the best option for certain type of people (e.g Chemical Engineering graduates). Thus, i want to share my analysis on what what is likely to work for me to build my expertise in data science. In the process, I hope to help professionals with similar background as myself to break into Data Science. A few words about myself and why I chose to learn data science. I am a Chemical Engineering graduate and have been working in a major petrochemical complex in singapore for about 6+ years. Apart from the usual complaints, I do find my job interesting. There is a lot to learn and things do get very technical
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